Strengthening Reform Management In Jordan Additional Financing
Nov 27, 2019
Jun 30, 2025 (was December 31, 2022)
US$ 15.8 Million (was US$ 6.50 Million)
To strengthen coordination and delivery of policy reforms in Jordan with a focus on the updated Reform Matrix.
It will contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction in Jordan, and to the achievements of goals set out in the Economic Modernization Vision, including an increase in real GDP and employment opportunities for Jordanians. Moreover, the project will contribute to doubling the percentage of Jordanians satisfied with their quality of life. These developments will involve a stronger macroeconomic and fiscal framework, a better public investment management, better reform coordination, as well as a better business environment and reduced cost of doing business, an increased business creation rate, increase experts and more economic and empowerment opportunities for women.
The program is financed by the Jordan Inclusive Growth and Economic Opportunities Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF). And the Reform Secretariat is the Project Management Unit (PMU) for this project, and the Secretariat staff have dual responsibilities for both day-to-day reform coordination with ministries, departments and agencies and management of the project activities.
Enhancing Reform Management by the Reform Secretariat
Strengthening of the PIM/PPP framework and function
Strengthening of public procurement framework and function
The Project is performing well. The completion rate of the Reform Matrix (2018-2024) reached 76.4%, out of which 15% benefit women.
The Reform Support Fund (RSF) has been strategically employed to support 28 MDAs since its establishment in 2019 to date, resulting in the successful execution of specific reforms
The GoJ placed increased focus on transparency, cost savings and efficiency, as well as competitiveness in the public procurement market and the advancement of broader policy objectives.
The transition from manual to e-procurement is an ambitious reform action. The ongoing deployment and continuous enhancement of the JONEPS. Today, all public procurement contract awards are processed through the Jordan on-line E-procurement System (JONEPS) and are published online.
The government of Jordan has launched the National Registry of Government Services (NRGS) which provides detailed information for citizens and the business sector on government services.
Jordan has adopted an ambitious public-private partnership (PPP) program, allowing for more private sector participation and engagement in key economic sectors. The development of the PPP framework was part of the more comprehensive Public Investment Management - Public Private Partnership (PIM-PPP) governance framework, which includes the Public Investment Management (PIM) Unit, the Fiscal Commitment and Contingent Liabilities (FCCL)Unit, in addition to the PPP Unit.
Key milestones were the enactment of the Public-Private Partnership Law No. 17 for the year 2020 and its amendments, and associated bylaws and instructions which resulted in the establishment of the PPP Higher Committee (ministerial level), setting up the broad legal framework for executing PPP projects, establishment of the Project Development Account, the National Registry of Public Investment Projects and the Technical Committee of Fiscal Commitments (TCFC), among others to operationalize the PIM - PPP Governance Framework. Furthermore, a set of capacity building and training workshops were conducted on different aspects of the framework for all government agencies, and more is in the pipeline to continue the implementation of the framework.
PIM-PPP reforms advanced. The National Registry for Investment Projects (NRIP) System is operational and line ministries are submitting their projects in the system as part of the 2023 and 2024 budgets preparation. Supported the Department of Statistics (DOS) improve its transparency and open data, which is at the core of good governance and evidence-based decision-making. This was recently recognized by the Open Data Inventory (ODIN), which measures countries’ statistical offerings and data openness. Between 2020 and 2022, Jordan jumped from 82nd to 37th in ODIN’s global rankings.
The GoJ continued to support about 120,000 households with monthly payments through the National Aid Fund (NAF). NAF has finalized the recertification of the data of the old beneficiaries, identified the households for migration and successfully migrated 3000 households to the Unified Cash Transfer.
Direct project beneficiaries are the Government of Jordan entities, and more attention will be paid to reform beneficiaries such as citizens and the private sector.