Create A Dynamic and Inclusive Labor Market That Provides Equitable Access to Employment Opportunities

The Government of Jordan is committed to advance the labor market, enhance job formality, ensuring fair working conditions and rights for all employees, In addition to supporting the modernization of the pension system to support long-term financial security for workers.

Thus, this pillar aims to create a dynamic and inclusive labor market that provides equitable access to employment opportunities, bridge the skills gap, promote lifelong learning, and equip individuals with the necessary competencies to thrive in a rapidly changing economy.

The government has also identified a set of reforms to improve female participation in the workforce.

By championing labor market and skills development reforms, the government is fostering a conducive environment for economic growth, social well-being, and sustainable development in Jordan.

Reform Area


2018 – 2024

Workplace Code of Conduct (CoC) adopted

Gender-based discrimination in applying for credit prohibited

Passport application process across gender normalized

Labor Law enacted to protect harassment and violence victims from losing jobs and/or opportunities for advancement

Workplace Sexual Harassment Grievance Mechanism established

Flexible Work Bylaw and instructions adopted

Voluntary retirement for years of enrolment in the SSC above 30 (20 for women and 25 for men) years of service enforced through a buyout system

Expanding part-time workers coverage instructions by SSC issued

A mechanism for developing a Roadmap for Wage Digitization developed

Social Security Law amended to permit 25% maternity fund utilization for social programs related to maternity insurance

Social Security Law amended and enacted to reduce subscription rates for new market entrants for a period of up to 10 years

Nurseries’ Licensing Bylaw enacted

E-licensing for nurseries launched

Revision of Nurseries’ Licensing Bylaws and Instructions conducted, and new regulatory model developed

Expand modalities for provision of workplace based childcare services instructions enacted in accordance with Labor Law Article 72b

Home based childcare licensing instruction enacted

New set of Nurseries’ Licensing legislations drafted and consulted

New set of Nurseries’ Licensing legislations enacted

Flexible Work Bylaw amended and enacted 

Following the amendment of the Labor Law, CoC adopted in private sector’s internal systems and employee handbooks and communicated

Flexible workers’ pension contributions instructions issued by Social Security Cooperation

In Progress


Roadmap for Wage Digitization launched and implemented

Reform Area


2018 – 2023

ISCO-8 occupation classification groups for work permits adopted

Agricultural full and part-time labor regulating bylaw and instruction enacted

Inspection criteria as per Labor Law expanded

JSCO-8 occupation classification for issuing work permits adopted for Syrian workers

National Integrated Inspection Management System implemented by Ministry of Labor

Expand opportunities for high-skilled foreign workers instructions enacted

Golden list incentive system assessed to comply with core labor standards

New amendments to the Labor law that allow for greater flexibility in organizing the relationship between employers and employees, finding a safe environment for women’s work, and organizing the labor market for greater impact introduced

Set of recommendation on regulatory reform is issued following a comprehensive review of the Labor Market Legislations with focus on foreign labor and a comparison with the region regulation and best practices in similar economies

In Progress


JSCO-8 occupation classification for issuing work permits adopted for all non-Jordanian workers

Reform Area


2018 – 2023

Fair penalization of early retirement pensions and index pensions to inflation at any age (including early retirement) introduced

In Progress


Voluntary Defined Contribution Schemes (by instruction/bylaw) introduced

Gradually increase retirement age in line with life expectancy

Reform Area


2018 – 2023

VTSD Law enacted 

Market relevance of ICT graduates through short boot-camps for graduates improved

Green Economy and Climate skills council created

National Employment Program is designed and launched

Sector Skills Councils bylaw issued

National Strategy for Technical and Vocational training and Education (2023-2027) drafted and endorsed

National Skills Plan developed

In Progress


Apprenticeship Bylaw enacted

VTC Law amended to institutionalize PPPs in training provision

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