Successful Completion of "Inclusive and Result-Oriented Stakeholder Engagement" Training


During the last week of May, we successfully completed an impactful three-day training course on "Inclusive and Result-Oriented Stakeholder Engagement," designed specifically for Government of Jordan (GoJ) officials. This training represents a key element of our ongoing efforts to strengthen reform management, improve coordination, and enhance the effectiveness of policy implementation in Jordan, in alignment with the GoJ’s principles of transparency, collaboration, coordination, engagement, inclusion, and equity.

Over 50 government officials from 22 governmental entities participated, gaining enhanced skills and knowledge to systematically engage stakeholders, incorporate their feedback into project and reform lifecycles, maintain transparent communication channels, and promptly resolve grievances to ensure project and reform success. This process will be supported by a six-month mentorship program developed by the Reform Secretariat at MoPIC, providing continuous support and guidance. Additionally, a comprehensive training manual will soon be available online on the Reform Secretariat’s website for anyone interested in learning more.

Mr. Omar Fanek, Director of the Reform Secretariat, emphasized the importance of stakeholder engagement in his opening remarks: “Engaging various stakeholders in the decision-making process is essential for ensuring transparency, accountability, and the sustainability of government reforms. The government is deeply committed to engaging all stakeholders in its reform agendas and priorities, including the Economic Modernization Vision, the Public Sector Modernization Roadmap, and the Reform Matrix. This training significantly enhances our ability to conduct strategic stakeholder engagement and emphasizes the critical importance of thorough documentation.

This training is a vital component of the "Strengthening Reform Management in Jordan" project, managed by the Reform Secretariat at The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MoPIC) in collaboration with The World Bank, and financed by the Jordan Inclusive Growth and Economic Opportunities Multi-Donor Trust Fund (Jordan Growth MDTF).

Stay tuned for more updates and inspiring stories about our ongoing efforts to drive impactful reforms in Jordan!

To access photos, please follow the link: Inclusive & Result-Oriented Stakeholder Engagement | Flickr

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