Improve Energy Efficiency and Access, and enhance its competitiveness.

The energy sector has emerged as a key ingredient for business competitiveness and fiscal sustainability in Jordan.

Jordan does not possess significant oil and natural gas resources and is vulnerable to energy supply fluctuations. We aim to produce more energy domestically and reduce energy costs.

Jordan has a steady track-record of electricity reforms. The sector today has an unbundled, single-buyer market structure, with and independent regulator, private participation in generation and distribution, and installations of renewable energy capacity.

Building on this progress, Jordan has embarked on an energy investment programme, which aims to reduce reliance on imported products by expanding renewables, shale oil, and nuclear energy.

This pillar aims to enhance the competitiveness of the Jordanian economy while ensuring affordable electricity for the poor and the vulnerable.

Reform Area


2018 – 2023

Diversification of energy resources including Hydrogen assessed

National Energy Strategy reviewed and updated

In Progress


Communication Strategy implemented

Energy Sector Communication Strategy prepared

Integrated food water energy nexus

Reform Area


2018 – 2023

Electricity Sector’s Financial Sustainability Roadmap adopted

Electricity Bill Recovery Mechanism introduced

NEPCO Debt Optimization Plan approved by COM

2019 FSR implemented and updated

Financing to develop Jordan’s grid secured

Electricity export enhanced through regional interconnection

Tariff and subsidy reforms adopted by COM and published

New Household electricity tariff with targeted subsidies developed

Recommendations of Jordan electricity cost of service and tariff study implemented

Cost of Service and Tariffs Review findings and recommendations circulated government

NEPCO Debt Optimization Plan implemented

Cost of Service studies · Proposal of options for alternative tariff rationalization pathways · as well as enhancement of client capacity

Tariff and subsidy reforms implemented based on review

In Progress


Improved risk management policies implemented and reported by single buyer

Grid strengthened to increase trade; electricity export enhanced through regional interconnection

Separate audited annual accounts for each of NEPCO’s Strategic Business Unit disclosed publicly

Transmission and distributional loss targets prepared based on Cost of Service and Tariff Review’s findings

Jordan electricity cost of service and tariff study task finalized which includes regulatory and technical power sector assessment, and cost of capital calculation

Reform Area


2018 – 2023

Smart-Grid Management system requirements developed

In Progress


The studies and evaluations of the single buyer model and the readiness of the sector to a competitive system implemented

New least-cost and risk-responsive Electricity Master Plan updated

Study on the current system design and the requirements and readiness to move to wholesale market conducted

Reform Area


2018 – 2023

Jordan Energy Strategy adopted, including updated Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy targets

Energy Storage strategy developed

National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) update launched

Feasibility study of pumped storage

Geothermal sector business model developed

Gas distribution network feasibility study conducted

In Progress


Geothermal regulatory and policy framework developed

Waste to Energy (thermal, electrical), sector business model (biofuel, waste, wastewater) studied

Waste to Energy regulatory and policy framework developed

E-mobility strategy developed and launched

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