Promote Water Security and ensure the financial viability of the water sector.
Jordan is one of the world's 10 poorest countries in natural and renewable water sources. Therefore, water scarcity is a pressing issue that Jordan is trying its utmost efforts to confront, with limited natural resources of water and increasing demand for freshwater, and energy to produce and deliver potable water to consumers in Jordan. This reform pillar aims to contribute the financial viability and efficiency of the water sector as it focuses on facing the heavy burden that comes from the increased demand, difficulties in using the available water resources more efficiently and reducing the fiscal losses pressed by energy demand for water pumping.
Measures to reduce Fiscal losses from the water sector adopted in 2018 and 2019
Smart metering technologies adopted under non-revenue water reduction program
Utilities Performance Monitoring Unit (UPMU) established
Measures to reduce Fiscal losses from the water sector adopted in 2020 through structural benchmark action plan to reduce the fiscal losses of the water sector (Action Plan)
Action Plan to reduce water sector Losses for 2021 and 2022 developed
Performance improvement management plan phase one for four regional operating units in the Yarmouk water company related to consumer relations management implemented
Water sector financial sustainability roadmap (FSR) 2020-2030 developed
Action plan for reducing non-revenue water and energy efficiency of the water sector implemented
Water sector financial sustainability roadmap adopted
Action Plan for reducing non-revenue water and energy efficiency of the water sector adopted
Action Plan for reducing non-revenue water and energy efficiency of the water sector implemented
Water and energy challenge resolution roadmap developed, and approved solutions assessed
Continuous implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy water optimization projects
Water Sector Policy for Drought management developed
Water and energy challenge nexus roadmap implemented and updated
Energy efficiency and renewable energy policy and action plan in the water sector updated
Rapid Assessment of the Consequences of Declining Resources Availability and Exploitability for the Existing Water Supply Infrastructure developed
Amman-Aqaba Water Desalination and Conveyance project prequalification completed
Energy efficiency and renewable energy policy and action plan in the water sector adopted
Energy efficiency and renewable energy policy and action plan in the water sector implemented
Third National water master plan (2021-2040) prepared
In Progress
Water sector policy for drought action plan developed
Amman-Aqaba Water Desalination and Conveyance project contractor selected, and construction commenced