Updated Reform Matrix
2024 (extended from 2022)
12 (increased from 9)
44 (increased from 37)
403 (increased from 254)
76.4% (308 out of 403)
The Reform Matrix was developed by the Government of Jordan with the support from the World Bank and development partners and approved by the Council of Ministers. The implementation of reforms started in 2018 and the matrix was launched officially during the London Initiative in February 2019. It comprises of a set of policy and structural reforms that aims at maintaining macroeconomic stability, improving business environment, and increasing investments and exports. It serves as a guidance document for the plans and programs of the Government on one hand, and donors and development partners on other hand.
The Reform Matrix is fully owned by the Government of Jordan. In October 2022, the Council of Ministers approved the Reform Matrix (2018-2024). The updated Matrix was expanded to 12 pillars instead of 9, with three new pillars added; Public Sector Efficiency and Governance, and Tourism, while separating the original water and agriculture pillar into two pillars.
The updated Reform Matrix is strongly linked with the Economic Modernization Vision, as it directly addresses many of the key sectors and initiatives that fall under the Vision with 30 initiatives taken directly from the Reform Matrix.
The Reform Secretariat has identified key priority areas from the Reform Matrix to focus its support on through the Jordan Growth Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF), this includes:
The Reform Matrix undergoes regular reviews and updates under the leadership of the Reform Secretariat aiming to revisit growth and reform priorities. To ensure a comprehensive approach, the Reform Secretariat facilitates several consultations and discussion sessions. These engagements involve various stakeholders including Government of Jordan agencies, subject matter experts, the World Bank technical team, the donor community, and notably, the private sector. The original matrix was developed around 6 horizontal reform pillars (cross cutting) and three vertical pillars (sectoral).
The Reform Matrix was developed by the Government of Jordan with the support from the World Bank and development partners and approved by the Council of Ministers. The implementation of reforms started in 2018, and the matrix was launched officially during the London Initiative in February 2019. The completion rate stands at 76.4%.