Program for Results (PforR) Economic Opportunities for Jordanians and Syrian Refugees


Starting Date

 Sep 27, 2016

End Date

  Dec 31, 2023


US$ 400 million

Type of Program


Program Development Objective :

Improve Economic Opportunities for Jordanians and Syrian Refugees in Jordan. Aiming to:

icon continue to support Jordan in honoring its commitments to the Jordan Compact by granting Syrians refugees access to economic opportunities.

icon support the GoJ (Government of Jordan) ambitious reform agenda to grow the Jordanian economy through investment climate and sectoral reforms.

The programme consists of nine results areas, including:

01 Improving the labor market for Syrians

02 Improving the investment climate

03 Improving investment promotion

04 Improving formality and working conditions

05 Improving entrepreneurship

06 Improving digital financial inclusion

07 Improving women’s economic opportunities through childcare

08 Improving women’s economic opportunities through social norms

09 Improving export competitiveness

The Program has a special focus on women’s economic opportunities. It aims to increase female labor force participation by improving the investment climate in the childcare sector and expanding women’s entrepreneurial activity through improving the investment climate for home‐based businesses (HBB). The Program also aims to address social norms around women’s employment.

The Program supports the implementation of critical reforms that have been initiated under the Reform Matrix. Reforms to strengthen both public and private investment focusing on areas of green growth, tourism development, and female labor force participation. In addition to growth and investment, the Program will also help Jordan to expand and improve on Social Safety Nets to better protect the poor and vulnerable, as well as in the promotion of water security and agribusiness.

Notable Achievements:

01 Improving job and entrepreneurship opportunities for Jordanians and Syrian refugees

icon Opening of the labor market to Syrians – progressive flexibility informed by data.

icon Introducing the first legislations regulating employment in agriculture.

icon Improved labor inspection capacity at Ministry of Labor.

icon Ministry of Labor introduced the first national classification of occupations based on ISCO 8 with the aim of standardizing technical reference in the Jordanian labor market and clearly and comprehensively classifying occupations.

02 Multiple reforms on business and investment climate, and competitiveness.

icon Predictability of business regulations - Code of Governance Practices for Policies and Legislative is being piloted.

icon Improved licensing at Greater Amman Municipality - was streamlined through a new law enacted.

icon Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the export of perishable agricultural Ministry of Agriculture to improve export competitiveness.

icon Pesticides management, extension services and inspections are being improved.

03 Improved financial inclusion for Syrians and Jordanians indicated by the considerable progress made on the expansion of access to digital finance.

04 Implementing campaigns to enhance women’s economic opportunities using behaviorally informed communications to affect social norms.

Relevant Stakeholders / Partners:

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