The Jordan Inclusive Growth and Economic Opportunities Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) was established in 2019 and announced at the London Initiative Conference “Jordan: Growth & Opportunity” on 28 February 2019, as a multi-donor, multi-Global Practice Programmatic Trust Fund by joint IBRD and IFC Global Practices engaged as co-leaders. The MDTF is designed to provide technical assistance and capacity building to the Government of Jordan (GoJ) to enable them to implement structural reforms through the Reform Matrix and expedite and support the implementation process.
Strengthening governance & economic management.
Increased private sector growth & competitiveness.
Improved labor markets and social safety nets.
Improved efficiency & effectiveness in transportation, energy, water, agriculture & tourism sectors.
Provide reform management with strong capacity for communication, outreach, and M&E functions to support Governments management and socialization of the reform.
Provide program management support to undertake appropriate analytical and program management activities in order to effectively manage day-to-day implementation of the MDTF work program, and advise an MDTF Steering Committee on future directions for the MTDF work program (including oversight of sub-activities)
The MDTF is currently funded by the UK, Netherlands, Canada, Germany, and Norway who through their contribution are member donors of the Jordan Growth MDTF. All funding and governance support is provided by an established Steering Committee which is co-chaired by the WB Country Director and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MoPIC) with representation by the IFC Country Manager and representatives from each of the member donors. The governance model benefits from overall program management by the World Bank Group MDTF Secretariat who works closely with the Reform Secretariat at MoPIC, in addition to contributions from M&E, gender, social safeguards, and environment specialists who support effective grant development and the bridge to implementation and sustainment of reform work.
Donors’ commitments to the MDTF have reached over US$70 million in funding commitments, with US$45 million reserved for the core program, and US$25.5 million utilized for the Emergency Cash Transfer Recipient Executed Trust Fund (RETF) to support Jordan’s COVID-19 response to the most poor and vulnerable.
Bank Executed Trust Funds (BETFs): Technical assistance and advisory services programs provided by the World Bank's experts.
Recipient Executed Trust Funds (RETFs): Direst support from the Reform Secretariat to the Government of Jordan entities to support the implementation of reforms.
Number of Supported Entities the MDTF is supporting approximately
Number of Bank Executed Funded/Supported Programs
Number of Recipient Executed Funded/Supported Programs